Posts tagged ‘gop candidates’

22 March, 2012

Political Pandering in the Heartland

There are a lot of reasons for anyone running for president to go to the “flyover” states right now.  We have the oil and natural gas; we have the wind they want for their wind energy.

Although, I’m conservative, I will support a Democrat if they are the right person for the job.  I will condemn the actions or statements of a Republican if they do something stupid.  With that said, I’m going on the offensive with out President first.

Obama in Oklahoma

So, Obama comes to Oklahoma today to tour the Cushing Pipeline facility and give his grand speech about how his administration made this happen.  He’s going to tout about the huge number of feet of pipeline that’s been made possible because of him.  He’s going to tell us how he is expediting our pipeline.

The facts “per the GOP”

There were no where near the number of permits or pipeline feet produced that Obama said.  In fact, the Army Corps of Engineers was ordered to stop issuing permits by the Obama Administration last year.

Why is He Here?

The only reason Obama is here is for his reelection campaign.  Why else would he go to the reddest state in the union?  He came here because of the flack he’s caught over the pipeline decisions he’s made and his energy policy.  He’s using us as pawns to further his campaign.

Well, I for one say no, Mr. President, you will not use us.  You will not make us part of your campaign.  We know you screwed us and now you want our votes. We’ve seen it before from you and other politicians.  We may be polite to you as that is our nature here in Oklahoma, but we don’t like being played for fools.

If the GOP candidates did that…

If the GOP candidates pulled this kind of stunt, you’d bet they’d hear about it.  Think of how it would work if Romney, Santorum, Gingrich, or Paul went to, say, New Jersey or Conneticut and started spouting off their support for liberal policies.  The left in those areas would eat them for lunch.

If a GOP candidate comes to Oklahoma and talks oil, we know that it’s more likely to be sincere.  If the GOP came here and promoted socialized healthcare, we’d know they were fake.

Understand, Mr. President, that I say this with the utmost respect for the office of the president.  Mr. President, we know you’re pulling a fast one for the votes.  Let’s see some integrity and just try to convince us why your left-leaning energy policy will work and let us decide what we like better.