Posts tagged ‘Muslim’

22 October, 2012

The media just doesn’t get it

The liberal media is so in the bag for Obama that they are willing to omit facts and entire stories, slant stories to put the president in a better light, and flat out lie to the American public.  Fox News is currently running a series on their website homepage about liberal bias in the main stream media. 

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26 September, 2012

Wanna see something scary?

Would you like to see something scary?  This isn’t intended to shock or entertain you.  It’s supposed to inform you.  Read this article from The Blaze.

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20 September, 2012

Is national security worth losing your freedom of speech?

Is national security worth losing your freedom of speech?  According to New Jersey Imam Mohammad Qatanani it is not only worth it, but should be made law.

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17 September, 2012

Why is the Obama Administration lying about Libya?

Ok, so the White House says the attack and subsequent murder of our ambassador and 3 other Americans was a spontaneous protest that got out of control.  That is total BS.  No doubt about it in my mind.

This attack was too coordinated and precise to have been a spur of the moment thing.  The very fact that one of the staffers noted that a Libyan guard was taking pictures before the attack and that the victims were attacked enroute or already at the safe house tells that this was a well planned assault.

The Libyan president even says it was a terror attack and not just a “spontaneous” event.  So why is the Obama Administration saying something different?  Why would they lie?  Well, I think the answer is actually pretty simple.

The first part of the answer is that we are in an election cycle.  Remember, Obama said that is he were elected president, that Muslim hostility would cease the day he took office.  It did not… obviously.  By admitting this was an orchestrated terror attack, the President would be admitting he doesn’t know what he’s doing when it comes to foreign affairs.  Problem is, we already know he doesn’t.  I mean, look at the world apology tour he did shortly after taking office.

Second part of the answer is, after supporting the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, this kind of betrayal would not bode well for Obama or his zombie-like followers.  Remember, while Mubarak  wasn’t the nicest guy around, he was an ally and he kept the peace with Israel.  Now, the extremists in suits called the Muslim Brotherhood has it in for Israel and the West.

Many of us saw that the relationship between the US and Egypt was going to go down hill after Tahrir Square.  You folks remember the Americans that were arrested during the protests?  That just shows what kind of new regime we would be dealing with, even though Mubarak was still in power at the time.

After the protesters won, they kind of lost.  They group that made the change finally happen, turned on their own people to install a more strict Islamist government.  What makes you think any of these countries going through this kind of change will install governments that are friendly to us, much less interested in being allies?

There was even evidence that Al Qaeda and their affiliates  have been involved in the fighting that resulted in Libya and Syria.  What’s more, pretty much the entire Islamic world is on fire.  Not over a freaking POS movie, but rather they simply have a problem with the West, the US specifically.

A couple of things that really pushed the region into violence against the US and our interest.  Iraq and Afghanistan were a large part of that.  Some are angry that we were there in the first place and others are angry that we pulled out of Iraq when we did and that we’re making cuts in Afghanistan.

The simple fact that we can’t even trust the Afghans we train for the police force.  Just about every day, it seems, we lose more soldiers to insider attacks and, although we stopped training them, they’re still killing us.

This has been a war run by congress and political correctness from the beginning.  If our military leadership were able to take the political correctness and remove the people in cushy chairs from leading, we would be much better off.  In fact, I believe if the generals ran the war, rather than a bunch of congressional armchair quarterbacks, this dragged out screwed up mess would be over and our military personnel would have come home victorious already.  Believe me, I know about the rules of engagement over there.  They’re too restrictive in many cases.

So, back to the original thought of this article.  Why is the Obama Administration lying about the reason and events that cost the lives of 4 Americans?  The short answer is that ol Barry has too much to lose in the game.  Notice what he did during 9/11, the murders, and the subsequent threats on the US.  He campaigned and played golf.

Look, folks, it’s time for a new leader.  I don’t care if you vote for Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, or Clint Eastwood.  Just go out there and vote for someone who will lead us out of this mess.  We need someone who isn’t afraid to tell it like it is, someone who is willing to personify Reagan in a new era.  I hate to tell you this, but I think Romney’s the choice.  No one else has the support needed to defeat the Obama regime.

Do we need, or even want, another 4 years of this disaster?

14 September, 2012

What happens if…

What’s going to happen if our embassies in the Muslim countries keep getting attacked?  What happens if Americans keep getting killed?  What does the US do to protect our people and interests abroad?  What about here at home, on our own soil?  What kinds of action will the American people take against Muslims in this country?

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12 September, 2012

Who killed Chris Stevens?

Chris Stevens, the US ambassador to Libya, was killed on Sept 11, as you probably know; so were 3 other staffers.  The first thought was that it was a childish response to a low-budget anti-Islam film.  Now, authorities are looking at Al Qaeda as the suspect. 

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20 August, 2012

Religion of Peace rears its ugly head once again!

How often do you hear Muslims demanding they be treated with tolerance and respect?  Then they turn and demand more for themselves and less for everyone else.  They want to put a mosque at Ground Zero, have their own schools, even have their own set of laws inside the US.  Now, in Pakistan, a young Christian girl with Down syndrome may be put to death for having burnt Islamic pages in her possession.

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18 July, 2012

Israeli teens killed… by who? Iran?

According to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Iran was behind the attack that killed or injured a bus load of Israeli teens.  If he’s correct, then Israel has an obligation to retaliate against Iran and the United States has an obligation to support Israel.  So far 7 are dead and more than 30 are injured.

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12 July, 2012

Khalid Sheik Mohammed wants a trial delay for…

Khalid Sheik Mohammed wants a trial delay for Ramadan!  Really?  Would he have given Christians a trial delay for Easter or Christmas?  Hell no, he wouldn’t.  They have no respect for other religions.  Yet, they expect all others bow to theirs.

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6 July, 2012

You know our country is in trouble when…

Ok, we all know that we don’t want the government telling us what religion to follow.  We don’t want the federal government mixing religion with business.  So, why is Rep Andre Carson (D-Indiana) talking about making American schools into madrasas?

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24 June, 2012

Muslim Brotherhood takes Egyption presidential election. Now what?

Anyone who follows international politics and news know the Muslim Brotherhood is no friend of the West, especially the US.  Many times over, the United States has given aid and support to Islamic groups that were working to overthrow a government that didn’t serve our needs or wasn’t friendly to us.  Every time we do that, however, it comes back to bite us in the butt.  Case in point, Al Qaeda.  We helped them fight, along with the Taliban, against the Russians in the 1980s.  Where did that get us?  No where good, I’ll tell you that much.

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31 May, 2012

American Arabs want special treatment!

So the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) wants the a special status.  Wow.  Seriously.  I wonder is I can get special status for being Irish/Scottish American?  Remember, the Irish were treated like crap and couldn’t find work in the 1800s simply because they were Irish.  Reparations!  Reparations!  Reparations!  Reparations!  Can I get special status, too?  Yes, that was all sarcasm.  Read the story below from The Hill and see if you can put it together with the transcript from Hannity and pick up on the connection here.   III% forever!
25 May, 2012

15,000 Muslims to Assemble in CT in Support of Sharia & Against ‘Islamophobia’ This Weekend

15,000 Muslims to Assemble in CT in Support of Sharia & Against ‘Islamophobia’ This Weekend

From The Blaze

American Muslims who are disheartened by increasingly fervent attacks on sharia law are planning to assemble en masse this weekend to protest against what they fear are attempts to discriminate against their way of life. This weekend, 15,000 believers are expected to descent upon Hartford, Connecticut, for the 37th annual Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) convention.

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7 May, 2012

WTF? Attorney Wants Women in Courtroom to Show Respect to Terrorist?

9/11 Defense Attorney in Hijab Asks Court to Order Other Women to Wear ‘Appropriate’ Clothingfrom the Blaze

Cheryl Bormann – Asshat attorney for accused terrorists

The female attorney of one of the 9/11 trial defendants is calling for all women in the courtroom to wear “appropriate” clothing during proceedings out of respect for her client’s religious beliefs, Fox News reported.

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