Posts tagged ‘Constitution’

17 April, 2014

Look at me now, baby!

Look at me now, baby!  That’s usually a phrase someone would say when they’ve achieved something that no one thought could be done or was, at least, unlikely.  For example, I got my master’s degree.  I, for one, never thought it would happen, but it did.  I know several people who figured I’d drop out of college before getting my bachelor’s, let alone my MBA.  So, that’s where I would say “look at me now!”  However, this is a different story attached to the phrase.

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15 April, 2014

Nevada: The first stand

As many of you know, Nevada may mark the first stand against the federal government that may spark the initial volley into a new revolution or civil war.  As militiamen and women converged on the Bundy’s ranch and surrounding area in Clark County, Nevada, we saw something that hasn’t happened in this country since the mid 1800s.  We saw armed Americans show up in force against an abusive federal government.

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11 April, 2014

Potential Armed and Violent Conflict in Nevada

Yesterday, I wrote about the goings on in Clark County, Nevada at the Bundy Ranch.  I discussed that the Bureau of Land Management came in to enforce a lawsuit decision that stemmed from the government’s desire to protect the desert tortoise.  He has been in dispute with the federal government since 1993.

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16 December, 2013

Breaking News – NSA phone data collection UNCONSTITUTIONAL

Published December 16, 2013 – Associated Press

A federal judge says the National Security Agency’s bulk collection of phone records violates the Constitution’s ban on unreasonable searches. The judge put his decision on hold pending a nearly certain government appeal. 

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5 November, 2013

Have you noticed that wiggle?

I know the title sounds kind of naughty, but it caught your attention, didn’t it?  Anyway, I still want to know if you’ve noticed that wiggle.  What wiggle, you ask?  That wiggle in society that signals that even the Left is tired of the lies coming out of the White House’s current occupant.  I was going to use the word “movement,” but I thought “wiggle” would get more attention.

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24 October, 2013

Ok, people, are we angry enough yet?

Are we angry enough, as a nation, at what our government is doing to us?  Are we angry enough about the police abuses all over the country by these globalist progressive bullies?  What about the overreaching federal government that took “long arm of the law” too far?  Well, check out this story from The Blaze.  This one, when I first heard it this morning, about set me off.

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17 September, 2013

Were you distracted?

Were you distracted by the shooting at the D.C. Navy Yard?  Many people were.  I know that there are several people out there calling this a false flag event already. 

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10 September, 2013

Obituary of a Superpower

Today, we lay to rest the great and powerful United States.  She was beaten by political opponents and finished off with the knives of entitlement and liberalism.

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7 August, 2013

TSA on the move!

If you’ll remember I’ve written about he TSA VIPR teams.  These teams are deployed to any major event they deem “worthy.”  That means a number of things. 

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5 August, 2013

Where are our rights?

You saw George Zimmerman was acquitted of murder in Florida.  In the process you saw the federal government come out and say they were going to investigate him, although found not guilty, of a hate crime.  You see the race-baiters like Jesse Jackson and Al “not so” Sharpton teaming up of Trayvon Martin’s parents in rallies crying oh poor poor me, calling everyone racists left and right.  Then you see blacks attacking white, while making little or no news, simply because they’re white.

The race card is played whenever those at the top of the proverbial racial food chain decide it’s in their best financial interest.  Let me ask you this, my black friends, do you really think Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson really give a crap about you?  Hell no, they care more about lining their pockets than anything else and you fall for their BS every time.

So, my question is, where are our rights?  If you’re conservative, straight, and Christian you’ve become the new enemy of all that’s good in the world. You’re a bigot for getting married and having children AND being proud of it.

We used to be a country that stamped out evil, no matter where it came from, but now we tolerate it in the name of political correctness.  Look, Chicago has seen a lot of black-on-black murders in the last month.  It’s tragic.  So many lives snuffed out without so much of a second thought.  Why is that not covering headlines?  Look at Detroit; it’s even worse.  The media largely ignores it.  Why?  It’s not politically correct and it doesn’t drive ratings.

So, again, where are our rights as American citizens to defend ourselves without being called racists or bigots?  Why must we we cower to a biased media too busy kissing the White House’s ass to report the truth?  Why do they create such an environment that makes whites fear the black guy walking toward them is going to commit a revenge killing and, at the same time, make the black guy fear that the white fella is waiting for the opportunity to kill a black man and scream self-defense?  The worse part of it is, we all fall for their pitiful little scheme.

The media should be ashamed of itself.  They’re more interested in ratings than the truth.  In an attempt to simply make more money, keep stockholders happy, and keep people watching, mass media has gone the way of the Soviet propagandist and began printing what they feel pushes their progressive cause.  Nothing new, it’s just reaching new heights.

What do you think the likes of the New York Times, NBC, and Rolling Stone would think if the people they’re trying to appease suddenly turned on them?  It’s happening.  Watch what happens when one of the liberal media outlets subjects the Obama Administration to scrutiny.  It happened a while back.  The New York Times was critical of the Administration and the White House responded in an unkindly manner.  Not saying they “punished” the Times, but they did comment on the story and basically call them out publicly. 

Now, the media, the mass media, the main (lame) stream media, major media, whatever you call them, are working against the general public’s wishes by promoting and pushing and outright twisting stories to draw you in.  They don’t care about the consequenses of their actions.  They don’t care one way or the other.  In fact, it is my opinion that the more chaos they cause the more they enjoy it.  Why?  Because that means you’ll watch to see what’s going on.  More viewers, more money.

The only rights that the majority of major media outlets care about is theirs.  For example, George Zimmerman was acquitted of murder.  He was set free.  The federal government now wants to come after him for civil rights violations and the media is fueling the fire with their retarded so-called experts.

The way it should go?  Drop the case against Zimmerman and open hate crime cases against those blacks who targeted whites in revenge.  They target whites because of their race.  What does the media say about it? Not a damn thing.  Equal rights?  Not at all.  Political correctness took those away long ago.

30 July, 2013

Big Brother Knows Best

Big Bully is at it again.  See this story wriiten by Maxim Lott at Fox News.


March 4, 2013: The White House is seen through a chain-link fence in Washington.AP

The federal government is hiring what it calls a “Behavioral Insights Team” that will look for ways to subtly influence people’s behavior, according to a document describing the program obtained by Critics warn there could be unintended consequences to such policies, while supporters say the team could make government and society more efficient. 

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30 July, 2013

Look at what may come our way

So, for all you who love, or at least approve of, ObamaCare need to read this story.  Basically, an immigrant to New Zealand gets too fat so the government there wants to deport him so he doesn’t become a liability to their GOVERNMENT RUN HEALTHCARE SYSTEM.

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25 July, 2013

Untrusting of the NSA’s domestic spy program?

Then here’s a new little treat for you!  The House voted to keep the NSA’s unconstitutional domestic abuse of power program.  Keep in mind this was not a party line vote.  It was a close vote and party affiliation didn’t seem to matter.  If you scroll down to the bottom section of this article, you’ll see who the traitors are.  They’re the ones in the “No” category, voting to keep the NSA as is.

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12 July, 2013

A little Humor for your Friday


9 July, 2013

Don’t Search Me, Bro!

Now everyone knows I love a good abuse-of-power-by-the-police story.  Well, here’s a good one for you.  So, there’s this kid, well a 21 year-old young man, who pulls up to a DUI checkpoint on Independence Day in Rutherford County, Tennessee, where he is subsequently harassed by local police.

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